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This Calculator is a little bit modified version, than compared to the previous than we have seen.

They are:  

  1. Error alert for the mis-use entering of marks of marks
  2. Some other branches are also taken into consideration as mentioned below…
  3. if you find any problem in using the sheets below to use and not feel ease you can use the default sheet by downloading it here it has no alerts, change the subjects as per your requirements rest of the things remain same…….

EEE (Electrical)

ECE ( communication)

CSE (computer science )

EIE ( instrumentation)  coming soon……

MECH (mechanical)

IT ( information technology)

CIV ( civil) 

CHEM (chemical)  coming soon……


jntu syllabus books r05, r07, r08, r09

These are the syllabus e-books of the JNTU  related to their respective branches as given below click on link to download them. R08-batchWaiting

Branch Ziddu.com
below rapid share ( use rapid share as it makes a faster download)
EEE (Electrical) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2229995/sho-eee.zip.html
ECE ( communication) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2230036/sho-ece-1.zip.html
CSE (computer science ) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2229962/sho-cse.zip.html
EIE ( instrumentation) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2230074/sho-eie.zip.html
MECH (mechanical) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2230116/sho-me.zip.html
IT ( information technology) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2230165/sho-it.zip.html
CIV ( civil) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2230227/sho-ce.zip.html
CHEM (chemical) http://www.ziddu.com/download/2230275/sho-che.zip.html
post comments if you like it!!!!!!!!!Nerd